
Light Therapies for the Well-Being of Your Partner

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Descubre la Fototerapia

Esta terapia innovadora se basa en la capacidad de la energía lumínica para estimular la curación de la piel  a nivel celular. No se trata sólo de aliviar síntomas, sino de desencadenar procesos naturales de recuperación en el cuerpo de tu mascota. La Fototerapia ofrece una solución versátil y no invasiva para mejorar la calidad de vida de tu peludo, reduciendo el uso de antibióticos, acelerando la curación y promoviendo la regeneración de la piel.

Can Light Transform the Health of Your Pet?

¿Cómo puede ser esto posible.? Los estudios realizados ponen de manifiesto que la Energia Lumínica FLE ha demostrado:

Our therapies take advantage of specific wavelengths to stimulate healing processes, offering a non-invasive and effective solution. It is also aided by the use of active Chromophore Gels that emit FLE light energy when stimulated by the light of the lamp.

Skin pathologies are common in pets and often frustrating to treat.
Thirty-six percent of veterinary consultations are related to dermatological disorders. Many of these cases require systemic antibiotics for a long time, which is what it means:

  • Malestar para los animales.
  • Olvidos en la administración del tratamiento.
  • Frustration on the part of the owner or guardian or non-compliance with treatments.
  • Risk of development of Antimicrobial resistance

There is scientific evidence that FLE energy accelerates the repair of chronic skin conditions and acute and chronic wounds.
Longer (red) wavelengths penetrate the tissue better, shorter (blue) wavelengths have more impact on surface structures.
unlike monochromatic systems Phovia generates a range of 400 to 700 nm activating multiple cellular responses simultaneously.

FLE light energy stimulates intracellular physiological chromophores, especially in mitochondria.

The LED lamp proporciona luz azul.
The chromophore gel absorbs this blue light and emits polychromatic FLE light energy.

Polychromatic FLE energy penetrates multiple layers of the skin and evidence shows that skin repair times are reduced by half with the use of light therapies.

¿Qué hace que estas terapias sean seguras? La terapia de luz es no invasiva y generalmente no tiene efectos secundarios , brindando una opción segura para mejorar la calidad de vida de tu mascota.

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