She is one of the most affectionate dogs, she comes to you when she sees you. A totally compassionate animal.
Very affectionate with male and female dogs. She has seen cats and did not worry about them.
This very friendly dog is Jamie. He was abandoned at the gates of the shelter. He is 5 years and 7 months old. He is very friendly.
She is very curious and is always looking for rabbits, she is a Spanish hunting dog. She loves human cuddles.
Very affectionate with male and female dogs. She has seen dogs and did not worry about them.
Le encanta la gente y le encanta la atención. También le gusta salir a dar largos paseos. ¡Rex es genial!
She is very curious and looks for people's attention, she is a Spanish hunting dog. She loves constant cuddling.
Calle Alhamilla 8
Center 950 14 34 56
WhatsApp: 601 11 90 66
Lunes a Viernes :9:30 - 13:30 / 17:00 - 20:30
Sábados 9:30-13:30